About Write to Left
The Associated Press called the 2024 presidential election for Donald Trump at 5:34am Eastern time, November 6, 2024. As Western states in particular finished the long process of counting all their votes, however, Trump's percentage of the popular vote dropped below 50%. Of all 50 presidential elections, only five popular vote winners have prevailed by less than Trump's margin.
Going forward, for the time being, Write to Left will examine factors that contributed to Democratic Party losses in the 2024 election, and present strategies for political and personal survival.
Anticipating Trump's second term, commentators have used words like revenge and retribution.
We will continue to chronicle the Trump administration (see below), document the crisis in American democracy, particularly the rightward march of the Republican party from the "Southern Strategy" of the Nixon era to the Christian Right's infatuation with an unlikely icon, and the election of members of Congress who believe that a cabal of Satanist pedophiles plotted against Trump while he was in office.
We will also continue coverage and analysis of: Trump's personal and business history; his legal entanglements including a case settled in 2016; the reported behavior toward women and recent felony conviction; assessments of his personality and mental state; the unfolding of his authoritarian rhetoric and consorting with extremists. And we will continue to examine the group dynamics of the MAGA crowd and the Republican party.
Articles are grouped topically, reflected in the menu items above:
Kakistocracy - Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens.
Kleptocracy - Government by thieves.
Thrasydeilosocracy - Government by bullies or boastful cowards.
Psematocracy - Government of lies.
Prologue - As Shakespeare writes in The Tempest: "What's past is prologue."
Resources - Information, opportunities, and links to events and organizations.